orange adj. 【历史】奥林奇派的。 n. -ism 奥林奇派的主张和作法。 n. -man 奥林奇派分子〔1795年北爱尔兰的一个秘密团体的成员,支持新教〕。 n. 1.【植物;植物学】橘香橙;橙;柑橙类。 2.橙色。 3.〔美俚〕棒球。 the bitter [sour, Seville] orange 苦橙。 the horned orange 佛手柑。 the king orange 柑。 the loose skinned orange 橘。 the mandarin(e) [tangerine] orange 中国柑橘。 the mock orange 山梅花。 the orange pekoe (印度、锡兰产)橙香红茶。 squeeze the orange 榨干,尽取其利,涓滴不留。 the squeezed orange 已被充分利用过的东西,无用的糟粕;用处不大的人物。 adj. 橘子(一样)的;橙色的。
Application of acridine orange method ao - f in the non - traumatic diagnosis of bladder cancer 吖啶橙染色法在膀胱癌无创诊断中的应用
Catalysis - fluorescence determination of trace nitrite based on the oxidation of acridine orange by potassium bromate 催化荧光法测定痕量亚硝酸根
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer quenching method for determination of arsenic with acridine orange - rhodamine b 荧光共振能量转移猝灭法测定砷
Fluorophotometric determination of traces of no2 - ion by the catalytic quenching of fluorescence of acridine orange 吖啶橙催化荧光光度法测定痕量亚硝酸根
In this thesis , the energy transfer system of acridine orange ( ao ) - rhodamine b ( rb ) dimer was built for the determination of dna as fluorescence probe 本论文以吖啶橙?罗丹明b二聚体能量转移体系作为荧光探针,建立了测定dna的新方法。
For 24 h was observed under phase - contrast microscope flourescent micrographs by acridine orange staining . the morphologic changes of apoptotic cells included neurite disappearance , nuclear chromatin condensation , and so on 在一定浓度范围内对培养早期神经细胞的分化有促进作用,而在后期却有神经毒作用
The result proved that bacillus iicheniformis29 were resistant to km and sensitive to the other antibiotics . the elimination of plasmid by acridine orange or by sds and the transformation of protoplast indicated that km resistance genes are located on the plasmid pbl29 , not on the chromosome Lichenformis29菌株具有卡那霉素抗性,用吖啶橙消除试验和十二烷基磺酸钠消除试验以及原生质体转化试验,证明卡那霉素抗性基因是质粒而不是染色体编码。